Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Where to start, six weeks later? Here.

Friday, December 7, 2007

It’s been a wonderful week at Oceanstone; and Louise’s blog on Dec. 6 (http://www.louiselebrun.blogspot.com) captures the intensity and the scope of the discussions we’ve had during the Whispers from Within writing retreat (http://www.wel-systems.com/programs/WR.htm ). In fact, none in the group has written extensively – but that’s not the point; writing was to be a tool to elicit and shape unformulated thoughts and give them expression and voice. New, hidden or untapped thoughts have gurgled and hissed, popped and splashed into the program room even without the help of pens and paper and the impact of the week has been huge for me. I can’t articulate more about it now – it’s all too fresh, too big and too wide to have clarity, and adequate words are escaping me.

Since my last blog a great deal of time has past, and a huge shift in my self-awareness now starts to feel ‘normal’ and no longer revolutionary and destabilizing. My new footing began to take hold during my two weeks in Portugal when I was with Gwen McCauley on a painting program she aptly labeled “Feeding the Muse’ (http://www.ouicoach.com/wor_creativity.html) And the momentum of the shift in my awareness and awakeness has accelerated for me this week. The ‘space’ I’m in now feels more intense and vibrant; I feel stronger and far more ‘at cause’ than I can ever remember – even if I allow for the ‘halo effect’ of a freshly completed experience. I feel enlivened and exhilarated and it’s a wonderful way to end a long week.

I don’t think a summary of my ‘journey’ over the last month is possible – how could I get it all together, let alone briefly? Maybe it’s ‘more useful’ for me to declare where I am today: to state that my life feels immensely different because I now know for certain that I matter in my life, that MY choices are defining my life, and that this important and empowering knowledge is now in my body, not just me ‘head’ and that it’s making a huge difference to everything I think, say and do. I am aware today that I will make choices now from a different base: with consideration of what holds meaning for me and allows me to be truthful to myself, and my guiding ‘principle’ is ME, MY intentions, MY hopes and dreams, my inspiration(s). It sounds very self –ish, doesn’t it! And it is; other people who’ve ‘enjoyed’ my kind of upbringing will be wringing their hand in dismay (or wailing and gnashing their teeth) because I’m breaking out into thoroughly forbidden territory: I’m putting me/myself/moi at the centre of my life and I’m going to be living knowing that every moment counts, every choice, every step I take. Matters to me, and matters to the universe because my energetic expression is part of all that’s around us. A tiny part of all that is, I’ll admit, but not insignificant!

I’ll head home on Sunday, and I’m keen to see how this new ME I’ve described moves through my ‘real’ world, my daily life – away from the immense safety of the program room and familiar, fellow Whisperers. I will pay attention to how it feels inside, and how changes occur when I stay true to myself, go for/choose ‘impact over nice’ – to use Louise’s words from her blog. By choosing actions and activities that hold meaning for me, and by surrounding myself and/or discovering people who, to quote Louise again, “are massive in their potential, strong in voice and shameless in their willingness to wrap their hands around what they want and engage”, I am aware that my life will be very different. That thought used to frighten me; now it’s an invitation to discover, experience and enjoy.
So stay tuned: Over the longer term because my ‘hopes and dreams and inspirations’ that I alluded to (above) intrigue and excite me; and right now, I have NO shape or form to give to them. In the more immediate future, I’m going to learn how to include photos on this blog. There are several shots from last month in Portugal that I want to share because they are an expression of me, of shapes and scenes that excited me that I captured in colour instead of words. So it’s tempting to include them here. After all: I’m here, blogging, expressing myself out loud in any way that works. Works for ME, that is!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Three days since writing the piece above, the wonderful Ideas Festival (http://anneberube.blogspot.com/2007/10/ideas-festival.html) is still flashing up in my mind with scenes, sounds, conversations, thoughts and people that I hope will stay alive and vibrant in me, and the first day back home is under my belt. I have found myself reacting to people and situations differently and sense that I am living from a ‘new’ space within me today. I can’t describe it, but what I wrote on Friday gives an idea of what I’m experiencing; I noticed myself taking a self-ish approach to choosing, to answering, to deciding, to suggesting. It’s MY life! popped to mind frequently, like a tune that I can’t stop humming – only this one doesn’t drive me crazy. Quite the opposite.

Yet – the paradox is striking – while I’m focused on being selfish and practicing the art of ‘checking in with myself’ for guidance (and not basing my choices on the expectations or opinions of others – to state this in clearer terms, just in case!) I’m simultaneously aware of how I am more appreciative and aware, more loving of others around me. It’s a fairly recent development, and I’ll be honest, and I don’t find everybody loveable, not yet, at least! So much of my life I have been fearful of others. My perception/attitude was !watch out or I’ll get hurt! – clearly a severely limiting belief. I am learning to see ‘people’ more clearly as unique and wonderful, as reflections of me in some ways, and I sense a connection in a larger sense: others aren’t forces to contend with but they are godforces to grow with. It’s as if, by seeing myself more clearly, by accepting/valuing myself and allowing myself to make MY choices, I am simultaneously creating a more welcoming/trusting space on MY holodeck and others have more room to play. It’s the abundance-safety discussion from another angle; and probably there will be many more angles of it for me to wake up to. Thankfully I am actively, rapidly moving away from my previously firmly held position at the danger/scarcity end of the continuum.

Over the Festival Weekend, I was surrounded by hugely alive, appealing and interesting people, both the participants and the presenters, each with an amazing ability and willingness to let me see them. I surprised myself when I realized the extent of the love and caring I felt for this group; tears flowed – wonderment about my depth of feeling.

The penny dropped last night that while much of my attraction to the festival presenters was their openness, it was also hugely influenced by my admiration for them: they had all created something visible/audible/tangible; they had come bearing gifts that they had created from within themselves that expressed who they are. And I had come empty-handed. A third chakra “NO MORE” welled up inside me at this realization. Watching others with admiration as they express themselves, feeling ok about myself by piggy-backing on others’ creativity and imagination is not working; it is NOT enough for me any more. The time has come for me to really hear those truthful roars that come from deep inside me and act on them. I know that now.


Louise LeBrun said...

Hi Lucy,
I've just seen your Oceanstone photos on your web location. They're wonderful!

I look forward to the day when you burst into the world, sharing the magic of what you see and how you see, that we may share in the beauty that surrounds you.


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