Friday, October 12, 2007


I really really liked my holodeck this evening. I found it stimulating, warm, inclusive and the topic at hand was very relevant. And if it’s a holographic universe etc etc, . . . then I created this! That’s still a hard one to get my head around. I’m going to stick with it, to get curious about all that I can learn from this evening’s experience as I sense it was important and timely.

Although content is unimportant, I will go there – at least to let you know what lit me up and what still glows in me. I was at the AGM of a great non-governmental organization that . . . aaagh, too much content so here’s the url:
I’ve been involved with USC for about 15 years as a (volunteer) board member and supporter so I expected that the room would hold many friends and acquaintances as well as a few others who would be ‘linked’ to me through our shared interest in USC.

What I found was exactly that, and more. Some of my old friends and USC staff members seemed truly glad to see me again (something that still surprises me); some of the unknowns turned out to be interesting, engaged men and women who held my attention and aroused my curiosity (I don’t usually take to random ‘new’ people quickly). Two women who made presentations about smallholder farming issues in Southeast Asia and Wakefield Quebec focusing on food security and women, were especially riveting. I think it is their strong sense of self-worth and their eagerness to share their experiences and ideas and readiness to expose themselves honestly that excites me. They were engaging and inspiring, even though they were just being the way they are: engaged and inspired; no show, no drama, no nervousness. They let me see them; and I saw strong, wise and vibrant women who are making a difference, who make choices, who are enjoying what they do.
I’m aware that, in a holographic universe, they are reflections of part(s) of me – and I’m thrilled and amazed at the same time because it’s not a reflection of me that I see often or that I would instantly recognise. I’m going to start keeping my eyes open – keep myself open, in fact. I’m grateful to these young women for showing me so much. To think that this was MY holodeck!

I’m also aware that I was ‘different’ tonight: more interested in approaching new people, less protective of myself – as if I emerged from behind my shadow. Outwardly I think I presented myself as usual (quiet, smiling and polite) but inwardly I was definitely more aware, more alive. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of BEING aware and alive tonight – and, tee hee: I hadn’t even planned it! Things evolve as they should, eh?

To think that this was MY holodeck! Can I do this every day? How good do I want it?! Because, after all, it IS my holodeck, isn’t it.

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